“Oceanic Offshore provides commercial air diving services for the mining oil and gas sectors, vessel operators, environmental companies and various other marine contractors.”

Vessel Induction

Oceanic Offshore Vessel Induction Questionnaire

What 5 Vessels does Oceanic Offshore Currently Operate?
Where is the emergency response centre located?
What are 3 of the foreseeable emergencies?
Where is smoking permitted on the vessel?
Are mobile phones permitted to be used upon the vessel?
What 3 types of minimal PPE is required to be worn when “Moving between the gangway and the accommodation”?
Who must any injuries or near misses be reported to?
Prior to the commencement of all jobs what needs to be carried out?
Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 when can an employee refuse to work?
The general emergency alarm consists of..?
What are the first 3 listed items on the Vessel Fire and Safety Plan slide?
Who is required to supply their own minimal PPE to carry out a task onboard the vessel?